Friday, November 10, 2023

Post #10: In the Age of AI

    Throughout the documentary, I learned a lot more about AI. I mainly learned about how it works and how it's currently being used. Deep learning allows AI to learn much faster than humans can leading to AI being smarter than most humans in many cases such as when it beat the champion of the board game Go. Facial recognition allows AI to learn and detect any person's face from multiple angles which has made it nearly impossible for people to keep their identity safe. AI is also being used in self-driving cars which while they still need some work may soon replace taxis and Uber drivers and could even remove the need for a driver's license.

    After watching the video, I would say the thing that makes me the most worried about AI is the decrease in job opportunities in many industries. Sure, some industries are being affected more than others, but almost every industry is being negatively affected in some way which as time goes on will lead to fewer and fewer jobs to a point where finding a job for some people will be almost impossible. The main reason I find this so frightening is because it doesn't seem like there's a solution to this problem. AI is going to start taking away jobs, and there won't be enough new jobs to replace them. As someone majoring in Game Design, the job I'm aiming for isn't really at risk of being replaced by AI anytime soon, but future generations are going to have fewer options for careers they want to pursue thanks to AI.

    Still, despite how bad AI seems, its usefulness has cemented AI into our everyday lives, whether we like it or not. Almost all of us use Face ID to unlock our phones and even laptops and every time we so much as touch the internet, AI makes note of whatever it was we did. We rely on the services that AI is a part of so much that it's nearly impossible to avoid it at this point. Hopefully, something can be done to lessen the negative effects of AI, as the positives of AI will surely keep it a core part of our lives from here on out.

Post #12: Final Post - How and Why Technology is Part of my Life

      From the moment I wake up, almost every day the first thing I do is reach for that rectangular object and turn on the screen to wake m...